Monday, January 12, 2009

A very special concert

This friday (Jan 16th) we are going to make a very special concert.
MindFlow will perform in front of the kids from “Casa do Zezinho”.

Casa do Zezinho is an institution with the main objective to take kids out of the streets and teach them a profession, give them home and perspective.
The institution also provides health and home assistance, physical activities and most important, it estimulates self-learning and good social behavior.
They live in a very dangerous area here in Sao Paulo surrounded by crime and like they usually say: “Here, the laws don't exist”.

We are really excited with the oportunity to maybe inspire a little bit those young kids with our music.
Most of these children haven't got the chance to see a live concert and we are really honored to give them this oportunity.

Why some kids on street are our problem others not?
Take a look at the test this institution made (at downtown Sao Paulo):


To learn more about the institution, access:

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