Monday, January 19, 2009

The day after a very special concert

Last Friday we performed to the children from “Casa do Zezinho”, a very special institution that take kids out of the street and offer them, besides a home, an opportunity to learn and develop their talents.

It was amazing to see the reaction from the kids. They were so happy and having a great time.
Also we played a couple of songs with some of the young kids and it was mind-blowing to see their talent. And not only in music, but also painting, crafting sculptures, writing etc.

It makes us think how many gifted and talented children are lost to crime and drugs just because a simple lack of opportunity.

We can’t keep loosing more Picassos, Mozarts, Shakespeares and Coppolas.
It’s everybody’s job to make sure every children receive a helping hand, to give them a little push and respect. That is all they need.

“Casa do Zezinho” takes care of more than a thousand of children without the government’s help. This institution is made by people that transformed their own dreams on making the dreams of others come true. There is nothing more rewarding than that.


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