Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do it today!

Leaving things for the future make the present an awfull time to exist.
When talking about taking care of the human kind, tomorrow seems more far away.
We are leaving ourselves for tomorrow when we put things that really matter aside, important things as our planet, people around us, our family.

Here in Brazil, we are facing again problems regarding the lack of manhood in many of our polititions.
Sarney, Senate's presidentand former President of Brazil is using "today" for his own benifits, leaving the people, who as a matter of fact put him there, for tomorrow, or to be more precise... for never.
This man was born in 1930. Imagine, he is still think how can he take advantage of the poor.
We think that, as the years go by, we become more mature, peaceful and intelligent.
Sarney did the exact opposite.

Remember we will never live the day after today. Today is the only day we have.
Tomorrow is just a disguise and yesterday a memory to regret or something to be proud of.
They all live together inside the day we are still living.

Please, do not regret and do not be proud of. Do not live in a disguise.
Be a good person today... Now.
Simple as that!


1 comment:

Cris said...

Belas palavras!
Infelizmente, a tendência é piorar. Há poucos dias vi uma charge muito interessante onde uma pessoa perguntava à outra:
- Como pode um senado custar tão caro e ao mesmo tempo ser tão desvalorizado?

Esse é o nosso hoje...

Não tomemos nosso "líderes" como exemplo...

Bem tri o blog. Não comentei em Inglês por preguiça e vocabulário insuficiente. hehe. Entendo bem, mas não escrevo o tanto quanto.
